Saturday, December 29, 2007

Slowing Down

The hustle and Bustle of the holidays seems to be coming to an end. We had a fantastic Christmas. It is so much fun watching the kids. They handled the busy-ness well and learned a few lessons about receiving gifts (thanks Cindy ;) ). I was happy to see them enjoy each gift instead of tearing to the tree to see if there was more. It took over 4 hours to get through our gifts and we really did not have many here. Such a relaxing and enjoyable morning. A few favourites:

Playmobile plane

Fur Real Tiger and princess accessories.

a happy baby with no cares about what was in her stocking.

I was spoiled once again...a new lens for my camera, a Creative Zen, a writing tablet for the computer, and an external flash for my camera (which I was lucky enough to open a few days early for a photo shoot). But best of all a CD from the kids singing Christmas songs and reciting poems with a great big "we love you Mommy," at the end. Nothing could beat that!!!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Kerri, I didn't know you were such an amazing photographer. Keep 'em coming! Your blog is wonderful.