Saturday, January 5, 2008

My Baby is One!

It is hard to believe a whole year has passed. Last night was a tough night for me knowing my baby was leaving babyhood (one always is marker for me). She is such a sweet little girl. So content and easy to please. She is learning things so quickly she was even holding up one finger today when asked how old she was.

We had a little party with family tonight. She looked a little unsure when we were all singing and holding a cake with a candle in front of her. She slowly touched the cake as she looked to us for permission. Gradually her fingers got deeper and deeper into her cake and before long like any type of food placed in front of her she ate the WHOLE thing!

What a perfect age and stage. I love all the ways she reminds me of what is important in life. I am looking forward to watching who she will become but also not interested in rushing the process. She is my baby and may always be...I want to savor each moment. Such a privilege to have her in my life!


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful little girl you have (and two other gorgeous children as well). I love keeping up with what is going on in your life through your we've said many times, we really should get together - makes it hard with school, but weekends could work. Enjoy being a stay at home mom and photographer and business owner etc...

Elizabeth said...

h a p p y
b i r t h d a y !