Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Decisions Been Made

It has been a stressful week with trying to make a decision about going back to work. I left it until an hour and a half before my deadline and then forwarded the decision of the hour. So it is official - I'm a stay at home mom (well that and a business owner, LOL). It was a tough decision to make but in the end realized there is no way I could regret staying at home with my children.

We started our Christmas shopping on Saturday, after two photo shoots that morning. The kids spent 2 hours in Toys R Us looking at all the toys and showing one another what they wanted. S and T both bought for one another and of course then wanted to open them. They still haven't spilled the beans!

We managed to get a picture with Santa. S was not too pumped about sitting on Santa's lap so the picture is a true representation, which is great.

Here is a picture from one of the photo shoots. We will post more at a later date.


The Selman's said...

I knew in my heart that your decision would be to stay at home. It must feel great finally have that out of the way! Love the pic of Santa! See you in a few!

Anonymous said...

There are days you are gonna regret that choice. But when you look back, you will know it's the right one.

What a great picture of the kids with Santa! I'm hoping my kids will co-operate this year. The 10 year old I can bribe, the 4 year old is scared of everything....

Carol Haney