Sunday, October 21, 2007

Arachnids Unite

...on our kitchen table are spiders!

I'm sure enjoying Preston's computer being out of commission. He has not been able to do any of his computer assignments. This has meant earlier bedtimes for him and sleeping in for me :). He got the kids going on a craft today (making spiders - they are still missing their eyes). He has big Halloween decorating plans. Something about a spider den in the garage...not sure we really need to make spiders, there are enough live ones!

We got a little yard work done, but needed to stop to play - so there are piles of leaves throughout our yard. Hopefully they won't blow away before we get around to picking them up!

I counted some inventory at the store tonight, I just couldn't go the whole weekend without throwing in a little work and now it is movie night. We will see about Preston's pick "The Astronaut Farmer." He was trying to chose a movie we'd both like and those usually bomb, but I will try to go into it with an open mind.


Anonymous said...

Cute spiders!!! Let's hear it for the crafty dad! Yeah!!!! Let us know what movie he picked for you guys. When Brent picks movies they are usually low budget obscure movies. I like new releases, thank you very much. LOL


Kerri said...

well it was the Astronaut Farmer and amazingly it was quite good. I really liked it and Preston liked it as well!

The Selman's said...

Love the new pic in your header! The spiders are quite cute! Can't wait to see the finished Spider Den!